Have a go

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Newbury – Have a Go Activities

Bring your dog and have fun together at this year’s have-a-go-activities*! It’s a great chance to bond with your dog and learn something new – or if you’ve tried the activities before, you can build on your skills together. If you enjoy yourselves, make sure you speak to the team running the activity as they may run a club that you can join too! 

This year’s activities include:

Fun Dog Shows: Does your dog have the waggiest tail or are they the most handsome hound? Take part in our Fun Dog Shows for the chance to win rosettes and compete in our Best in Show! All Fun Dog Shows are run by dog rescues and charities. Find out this year’s class timetables here.

Dock Diving: Come along and let your dog have a go and get super wet in this increasingly popular sport. Remember to bring your camera as you are sure to get some good shots of dogs flying through the air! Activity is run by K9 Aqua Sports.

NEW Come and Play: Designed to delight both dogs and their owners this interactive play area includes jumps, tunnels, treat pools, weaving poles, and a puppy soft play area for the little ones to enjoy! There will also be an expert behaviorist in the play area, ready to offer guidance and tips to improve your pup’s manners and happiness. Activity is run by Helping Dogs & Cats Rescue.

NEW Dog Parkour: Dog parkour is the ultimate team-building activity for you and your dog! Combining action-packed games and physical challenges with creative puzzles and mental exercises, dog parkour is a new exciting and unique way to engage your dog’s mind and body. The have-a-go Dog Parkour obstacle course will give you and your four-legged teammate the chance to test out your teamwork and communication skills. Climbing over, under, through, along and around the obstacles; how many can you conquer? Activity is run by Dorset Barn Hunt.

Agility: A fun and energetic dog sport where the handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy. Dogs run off lead with no food or toys as incentives, and the handler can touch neither dog nor obstacles. Activity is run by Colin’s Agility Club.

Mini-Agility: Designed with smaller dogs in mind, mini-agility gives dogs and their owners the chance to have a go at an adapted agility obstacle course suitable for small breeds. Activity is run by Pug Life Rescue.

BarnHunt: A fun and exciting new sport that taps into your dog’s natural instinct to sniff and search. The game is set in an arena filled with straw. Climbing over bales and crawling through tunnels, the aim is for your dog to use their nose to find the prize without getting distracted by the decoys. Barn Hunt is suitable for absolutely all types of dog. No matter what their breed, age or physical fitness, any dog can take part in the fun and games! Activity is run by Dorset Barn Hunt.

Flyball: Flyball is a fun, fast sport for you and your dog (any breed, any size), as long as dogs are over 12 months old they can play flyball. If your dog loves a tennis ball and being active or if you’re looking for an activity you and your dog can do together, have a go at this increasingly popular dog sport. Activity is run by The Bucaneers.

Lure Racing: This activity is great fun to watch! See your dog chase the lure – can they get the fastest time of the day? Activity is run by ACES.

Scurries: This fun have-a-go activity is based on your dog’s ability to retrieve. This year’s event will include a ‘Bales Up n Over’ and a ‘2 Dummy Pick Up’ challenge. There will also be a Fastest Winner competition. All runs will be timed and the top four times of the day will get prizes and rosettes. Activity is run by the Jixenwell GunDogs.

Hurdles: Let your dog have a go at Hurdles – a great activity for dogs to use their coordination and speed as they jump their way through the line of hurdles. Will they get the quickest time? Activity is run by ACES.

Fastest Recall: This is a test of speed! It’s a high energy canine sport which requires your dog to chase a toy…. then come back on recall. Will your dog be the quickest of the day? All proceeds of the Recall go to the German Shepherd Rescue Elite.

Tombola Dash: The fastest times within each hour will win a prize. Fastest dog of the day wins a rosette. Activity is run by the Notts & Yorkshire Boxer Rescue.

*activities subject to change and small additional charges may apply.