Trade Stand & Sponsorship
Rachel Upson on 01702 549623 or email
Talent & Show Features
If you represent an artist/act, are part of a dog club that would like to run a have-a-go activity or you’re interested in being a part of this year’s All About Dogs Shows, please email
Matthew Upson on 01702 549623 or email
Press & Media
Matthew Upson on 01702 549623 or email
Michelle Seddon on 01702 549623 or email
Ticket Enquiries
Email or call 0333 242 7912. Phone lines and emails are monitored Monday – Friday between 9am and 3pm excluding Bank Holidays.
The cost to call 0333 numbers is the same as calling a normal local or national landline. If your tariff or call package offers free or inclusive calls to landlines, numbers starting with 03 will normally be included free of charge.
On show days, lines will be open from 8am to 11am.
Please note: if you are unable to print the tickets, we do also accept viewing on smartphones.
Brand Ambassadors
Applications for this year’s Brand Ambassadors have now closed and we are not accepting any new Brand Ambassadors for 2025. If you are one of our current Brand Ambassadors and have a query, please email
Organiser Details
Aztec Shows LLP & Aztec Garden Shows
South House
48 South Street
Office Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Tel. 01702 549623
Event Emergency Site Contact (Exhibitors Only)
Steve (07583 074669) or Matt (07905 173657)